Foot Health

Plantar Fasciosis

The following quotes have been taken from Glen Ingram and Ray McClanahan’s article Treatment of Plantar Fasciosis.  To read the complete article click here. “Plantar fasciosis is an extremely painful disorder affecting 10% of the population at some point in their lives. (DeMaio, 1993).” “Note the use of the term plantar fasciosis instead of plantar

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Strengthen your feet and ankles to improve walking and saftey performance

As more Americans turn to walking for fitness, fun, and the pursuit of health, opportunities to participate increase every year. Walkers benefit from relay events specifically designed for them. Racewalking opportunities challenge those who wish to compete and find their own personal best. There are better coaching resources, seminars on walking, and multiple opportunities to

Strengthen your feet and ankles to improve walking and saftey performance Read More »

CT Orthotics

Should I wear Correct Toes with my orthotics?

Correct Toes eliminate the need for conventional orthotics in most people by enabling your foot arch (i.e., your medial longitudinal arch) to support itself. (Read more about natural arch support). In general, we DO NOT recommend wearing Correct Toes in combination with orthotics; we instead recommend weaning yourself off orthotics—slowly and progressively—when introducing Correct Toes.

Should I wear Correct Toes with my orthotics? Read More »

Why Shoes Cause Abnormal Gait – Correct Toes®

In his article Why Shoes Make Normal Gait Impossible, Dr. William Rossi discusses the affect that shoes have on biomechanics and gait.  The following are excerpts from Dr. Rossi’s article.  Read the complete article here. “…natural is biomechanically impossible for any shoe-wearing person.  Natural gait and shoes are biomechanically incompatible because shoes automatically convert the

Why Shoes Cause Abnormal Gait – Correct Toes® Read More »

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