How to use Correct Toes


Correct Toes are placed in between the toes. They are designed to be worn either barefoot, in wide slippers, or in shoes. You can also try them with toe socks.

*Important note: the shoes MUST be wide enough to accommodate the toes with Correct Toes in place. To test your shoe, pull the liner out and stand on it. If any part of your foot hangs over the liner, then the shoes are too narrow, and Correct Toes will not work with them. See the diagram. On the top, the shoe is too narrow. On the bottom, the shoe is wide enough, and they can be used with Correct Toes.


The best results are seen when people incorporate Correct Toes into their daily weight-bearing activities.

Incorporate Correct Toes SLOWLY and progressively. We recommend wearing them for a half-hour the first day and then increasing the time by approximately 30 minutes each day. This will allow your body to adjust to the changes.

You may experience some soreness at first, as would be expected when muscles are being utilized in a new way. Just like with any new activity, the soreness should subside and your muscles will end up stronger and more capable than before.

– Dr. Ray McClanahan, DPM, Northwest Foot & Ankle

For more information about Correct Toes click here.

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