
Running Misconceptions

Misconceptions about Minimal Shoes and Natural Running

The following article was written by Jim Hixson of Feet for Life Motion Center in Chesterfield, MO.  This piece recently appeared in a slightly different form on the Natural Running Center website. 1. Humans were not meant to run. Locomotion is arguably the most important characteristic that determines the survival of a species.  Unless predators […]

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Prescribed Shoes

Is your prescription of distance running shoes evidence based?

The following quotes are pulled from the study conducted by Craig E Richards, Parker J Magin and Robin Callister from the British Journal of Sports Medicine.  The study was designed to see if the traditionally prescribed distance running shoe is based on scientific information. “Distance runners are notorious for their high rates of minor musculoskeletal

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Why Shoes Cause Abnormal Gait – Correct Toes®

In his article Why Shoes Make Normal Gait Impossible, Dr. William Rossi discusses the affect that shoes have on biomechanics and gait.  The following are excerpts from Dr. Rossi’s article.  Read the complete article here. “…natural is biomechanically impossible for any shoe-wearing person.  Natural gait and shoes are biomechanically incompatible because shoes automatically convert the

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The Worlds Healthiest Feet are the Ones Without Shoes

In 1905, Phil Hoffman, M.D., traveled to numerous undeveloped countries to observe the foot and skeletal structures of people who lived barefoot. He noticed the differences between their feet, and those he had observed during his medical work in the US. These differences were subtle, such as toes being generally straight, in comparison to our

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